Real Talk/The-Nation/Weekly

Racism in the Gayborhood: A Philly Story

  The city of Philadelphia, PA added black and brown to its Pride flag in time for the city’s 2017 Pride festivities, and, as always, people freaked out. The flag’s creation is an attempt to show inclusivity within the LGBTQ community. A year ago, volcanic tensions within the city’s “Gayborhood” erupted after a club owner was video recorded using the N-word. The city’s Gayborhood was soon inundated with protests and a dying night life. The people of Philadelphia used social media to express their thoughts on the new flag. Most responses expressed how proud they are to live in a… Keep Reading

That Gay Romance on Dear White People

  The first season of Dear White People, released on Netflix at the end of April, has received stellar reviews. It tackles inter- and intra- racial conflict from a variety of perspectives, telling a series of interconnecting stories that embrace the complexity of racial issues on University campuses in the United States. It’s relevant and worth watching for so many reasons–Not least of which being the kiss shared by Lionel (played by DeRon Horton) and Silvio (played by D.J. Blickenstaff) in the final episode. Who could have predicted that it would happen, or that it was just what we all… Keep Reading

7 Best Bisexual Dating Apps You Need To Get Now

We live in a new age of dating where gender identity is no longer as rigid as it once was. There are so many questions people ask just to be able to pinpoint who you are and what you like. Hey, maybe you don’t even know yet. That’s why these bisexual apps and sites don’t require you to specify just one sexual preference. With these top seven apps catering to bisexual dating, you have the option of meeting exactly the person you want. OkCupid OkCupid is free to join. When signing up you can pick any orientation you please: straight,… Keep Reading

How To Use That Hookup App

You’re Using a Hookup App? 3 Simple Ways to Stay Safe…  Once upon a time, a naive young man responded to a very attractive suitor on Grindr. After the appropriate banter, our young fellow waltzed his way to his new companion’s home with hopes and dreams of finding “the one.” Instead, he didn’t quite get his happy ending. “I’d come visit you,” his would-be prince said after a bit of one-on-one conversation, “But I can’t leave the house.” “Why?” “I’m on parole,” his new buddy lifted up his pant leg and pointed to his ankle bracelet. “I burned down my neighbor’s… Keep Reading

White Pridefest: Let’s Do Better

In July of last year, Black Lives Matter protesters staged a sit-in at the Toronto Pride parade. The protesters provided Toronto Pride organizers with a list of demands. These included the facilitation of space and opportunities for Black Queer Youth, prioritized hiring for queer people of color, and the removal of police floats from marches and parades. Toronto Prideagreed to the requests, and the parade resumed. There’s a lot we can learn from this successful intervention staged by BLM. Thanks to activists of color, the queer community has gained some awareness of how racially exclusive our spaces can be. Pride celebrations across the country are a great… Keep Reading

Following up on La Femme Bohème…

Remember “One Company’s Story of Taking on Gender and Sexuality in Opera?” We followed up with Executive Director of MetroWest Opera, William Neely, and listened in on a conversation he had with Julia Mintzer, who is the stage director for the show. Mintzer is also a freelance opera singer who currently resides in Germany. The show wrapped on May 21st, and has since collected wonderful reviews and sold-out shows. We can’t wait to see what they come up with next! 1)  How did you end up becoming involved with MetroWest Opera? I met Dana in grad school at BU and worked with… Keep Reading


Queerness, Self-Love, and Tamagotchis

Living as a queer person in a heteronormative society takes a lot of guts. It’s not easy to exist in an identity that doesn’t fit with the norms of our culture. It also takes a whole lot of self-love. It’s no surprise that rates of suicide are still markedly higher in LGBTQIA+ youth than they are in the general population. As it is with any difference, those who don’t fit into the “in-group” suffer concrete psychological consequences. While we all know that this is a problem with our culture and not our identities, we also know that we can’t expect… Keep Reading

How To Survive Meeting Your Ex’s New Partner

Breakups are hard. There’s never really an easy way to say goodbye. Maybe the two of you saw it coming, maybe you both just fell out of love. When that time comes and all is said and done, where does the love go? After letting time pass you find some closure. Your ex tells you that they’ve met someone new and would like you to meet them. What do you do? Will meeting the new partner hurt you? Will it bring you down? Will it set you back or make you jealous? Many questions are going through your head, but… Keep Reading

Outfest: LGBTQA+ Stories Matter

Ticketing info @ Media: One of the most destructive forces in the United States, and also one of our most powerful tools. The whitewashed, heteronormative, and misogynist narratives that dominate advertising, TV, movies, and popular music have concrete effects, ranging from internalized racism and homophobia to body dysmorphia and suicide. And yet, the flip side of media is that it is increasingly accessible to everyone. From self-produced Youtube videos and Soundcloud EPs, to independent movies and zines, creators can interrupt the toxic stories that inundate us every day. That’s the beauty of independent film festivals like Outfest, an event that… Keep Reading

Coming Out To The Teacher: 5 Tips To Navigate This Process Each Year

Depending on your own personality, you may prefer to start “bigger.” If your child will be in this school for a period of time, like kindergarten through fifth grade, it can help to start with the people that will not change, compared to teachers who will rotate every year. Of course, staff can leave, but starting with the principal, counselor or other higher management advocate can assist you in helping approach your child’s teacher and help you build longer lasting relationships.                                      … Keep Reading

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