The Oneness Consciousness Approach️

in Weekly

The Oneness Consciousness Approach️
To keep Us separate means no one wins and everything stays status quo.

But I was shown that
Where you are strong, I am weak. Where I am weak you are strong. I’m ok with that because together we are an unstoppable strong force of Love, Creation and our truest possibility.

We are the community that understands from a personal life path that hate, judgement, separation and ego don’t work.

Thru internal trust I know
You are the community to make a difference. Having to take the stand of belief in self earned you the natural right to stand proud and set the tone

We were always meant to be a community that becomes the example of everything that’s possible in this World.

We are the community that knows more than anyone else that we’ve always needed a community. Of Compassion, understanding , acceptance and kindness both in
word and actions. Why not show others how it’s done?!

We are the change We are the future

Fairy in the House

Fairy OXox!♡♥♡♥

Susean Morrow

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