Tired Of Compromising

in Real Talk

I feel that not only are we in an crazy time in the world right now. We still aren’t fully over the revolution of being fully accepted in our own, “L.G.B.T Community”. I feel personally as a, Androgynous Trans, that we in the trans community are at the bottom of the list. No matter how many barriers we break an how many doors we open. I’m personally tired of always planning out if I should go to the restroom before leaving my house, because I don’t want to be in a situation of compromising with the, “Cis Woman” Wether it’s ok for me to use the “Woman’s Restroom” or Not!

I’m tired of the weird stares because I’m comfortable in my skin. I’m tired of the little laughs an snorkeling. So I compromise with what I’m wearing for the day. An I’m only compromising because I don’t want to put myself in an uncomfortable situation. But why should I be uncomfortable for expressing myself?

Let’s not forget our murdered, Trans Sisters an Brothers. Let’s not forget or to count our homeless, Trans Youth.

Sometimes I feel the, “L.G.B” forgot about the “T”. I actually have a crazy story to share. I stopped at a friends place to hangout . An after a few hours of me hanging out. He gets a call, hangs up. Then he turns to me an says, “Hey I’m gonna need you to go in another room”. I ask, “why”? He says, “Because I don’t want my other friends having weird vibes towards you, but I’m not kicking you out. All I could do after he said that to me is hold my chest. I never felt so hurt about being myself.

After gathering myself I walked out. An I told myself out loud. I will not compromise with who I am, an my confidence. I soon started to realize all the positivity an support an Love I have from many others. An that I’m not going to compromise with closed minded, malicious, insecure individuals. Because you know what? I’m, Tired. In the history trans have a record going back to the 1980’s of being preyed upon.

This is a worldwide list of people who were killed for being transgender. Some of the perpetrators in these cases cite the trans panic defense. Violence against transgender people is also known as trans bashing.

1980: 1988 – Venus Xtravaganza was strangled to death in New York City on 21 December. Her body was found four days later, shoved under a hotel bed.

1989 – Carla Leigh Salazar was found stabbed to death in her apartment in California.[2] In 2014, Douglas Gutridge was charged with murder on the basis of DNA evidence; he pleaded not guilty, and died in 2016 before the case came to trial.

1991 – Sonia Rescalvo Zafra, a 45-year-old transgender woman, was killed in the Parc de la Ciutadella by six neo-Nazi skinheads who kicked her and her friend Dori repeatedly in the head while they were lying on the floor. Her death was a wake up call for the Spanish LGBT movement, which began to publicly fight violence against the LGBT community

2000: Amanda Milan 25-year-old trans woman, was walking by Times Square, Manhattan, New York City, when Dwayne McCuller walked up and began to harass and threaten her.[8] Milan stood up to him and asked him if he wanted to fight.[9] Witnesses said he declined.[8] As he walked away, another young man, Eugene Celestine, told McCuller he had a knife. McCuller grabbed it, and stabbed Milan in the neck.[9] A man named David Anderson reportedly helped McCuller escape from the scene.[8] Milan died soon after at St. Vincent’s Hospital.

2012: Gwen Araujo of Newark, California (died October 2002), a Latino-American teenage trans woman, was killed by four men, two of whom she had had sexual relations, who beat and strangled her after discovering she was transgender. These deaths continue all the way to.

2020: Alexa Luciano Ruiz was fatally shot in Puerto Rico on February 24, after an incident in a local restroom.[128][129] Carmen Yulín Cruz called attention to her death before the 2020 Puerto Rico gubernatorial election. Ms. Luciano was killed while the assailant men laughed. An the toll continues. Trans woman are targeted 60 more than gay men. When will this stop?

Trans Lives Do Matter

Written by LaLa
Instagram: official_lala_baby_

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