Brazil and the LGBT Community

in Real Talk

Brazil, we know it for its beautiful people, colorful landscapes, beautiful beaches, Carnival & of course Mojitos!

However a very dark side is coming to light with the media being able to transmit information freely thru internet and social media.

In 2017 there was a 30% increase of deaths from 2016. Research proves that those deaths were almost directly related to Homophobia.

With the insane numbers of 387 Murders and 58 suicides, Brazil is becoming the most violent country. The Transgender community of Brazil is still scarred from the horrific video of Dandara Dos Santos who was beated to death in Fortaleza in March. The assailants shared the video on social media. We can see them beating and screaming homophobic slurs… Only 2 out of 12 men were arrested in connection with her killing last year.

In September, a Federal District judge authorized psychologists to use unethical and harmful so-called “conversion therapies” in an attempt to alter individuals’ sexual orientation. “Beat them straight” were his exact words.

So why all the hate in a country that gave us the thong and amazing dance moves & that approves of same sex marriage?

Well Brazil is one of the worlds most violent and corrupt countries, 62,000 homicides in 2016 alone. The government is so corrupt they’ve asked their President to step down amidst allegations of a corruption and embezzling money.

The rising violence towards LGBT community is owed much to the prominence of ultraconservative politicians, many of whom are linked to the country’s powerful evangelical caucus in congress.

They compare the LGBT community to the devil, and even animals.

Homophobic “Hate Speech” is not a federal crime in Brazil. Grassroot organizations are hoping to create “safe spaces” for the community but due to the lack of investments they are unable to start a change in the vision of policies.
There are many things that are horrific about these facts, and that could be hurtful towards the country of Brazil in the future.

We recommend if you are interested in being of help to the Brazilian community, to donate and contribute to the Grupo Gay de Bahia :
They are the most dynamic group for the Brazilian Homosexual Movement and do their best to protect the Human rights of the LGBT community.

Written by Charly More

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