It’s Just A, Nip An Tuck 

in Real Talk

Plastic surgery has always been referred or an option to give you the confidence an motivation you need. But do you feel that social media an celebrities on these Platforms influence this? Do you feel as if you should accept your flaws an all? Maybe just embrace all of you?

But my question is when is it enough? I’m all for getting a nip or a little tuck. But sometimes we have those who maybe went to far. Which we call, Botched. Just like the well known reality show. We use the word Botched, for surgery that went completely wrong.

Most of the time individuals end up being Botched because of, trying to go the the cheap route by going to foreign countries. Which can be the worst idea an worst results. An I ask are individuals that insecure an that Anxious for physical change? Is it insecurities? Let’s take it to the statistics & pros an cons.

Size acceptance, body positivity, and fat activism are now part of the cultural lexicon, yet according to data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), nearly a quarter million more cosmetic procedures were performed in 2018 than in 2017.

According to the ASPS, 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures were done last year. The top 5:

  • breast augmentation (up 4% from 2017
  • liposuction (up 5%)
  • nose reshaping (down 2%)
  • eyelid surgery (down 1%)
  • tummy tuck (about the same)

Body-sculpting procedures such as buttock augmentations, which improve the contour, size, or shape of your butt, and thigh lifts, which reduce excess skin and fat of your upper legs, also saw an increase.

15.9 million minimally-invasive procedures were also performed in 2018. Of them, the most popular procedures were:

  • Botox (up 3% from 2017)
  • fillers (up 2%)
  • chemical peels (up 1%)
  • laser hair removal (down 1%)
  • microdermabrasion (down 4%)

It’s a diverse list.

Chance of Addiction:

A grave disadvantage of cosmetic surgery is that some individuals get addicted to it. This has extreme effects on patients’ state of mind as they may increase the severity of or develop Body Dysmorphic Disorder, or BDD, (whereby they continuously find faults and flaws with their appearance.) Individuals who are diagnosed with this believe that they can get rid of BDD through multiple cosmetic surgeries, but this is not the case. Surgery is not the correct treatment for this type of serious disorder.

There are grave consequences for those individuals who become addicted to cosmetic surgery and continue undergoing such procedures. Common dangers include the fact that it can permanently damage the individual’s muscles and skin.

Risk of Death:

Although this isn’t common, it can happen during or after surgery. In most cases, this happens due to the reaction to anesthesia or because of your health history (a person with bad health is more likely to have complications during surgery than those who are in good health). It is highly recommended that you take this factor into consideration, and although unlikely, it can occur. Making this a very serious risk of cosmetic surgery.

Doesn’t Always Meet Expectations:

Another disadvantage of cosmetic surgery is that after the procedure, it’s not fully guaranteed that you will come out of the other end completely satisfied with the changes. These adjustments made to your face or body may have been desirable before you had them, however, they may not look as you expected and fill you with regret. So, you must always be sure exactly of what you want and do your research before committing to the surgery in order to avoid disappointment!

But my question is, when is it enough?

Written by lala

Instagram: lala_official_baby_

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